A Irmandade desfez-se, mas a demanda para destruir o Anel-Mestre prossegue. Frodo e Sam terão de confiar as suas vidas a Gollum para conseguirem encontrar o caminho para Mordor. Com a aproximação do exército de Saruman, os restantes sobreviventes da Irmandade, juntamente com as criaturas e povos da Terra Média, preparam-se para a batalha. Começou a Guerra do Anel. Nomeado para seis Óscares da Academia*, incluindo nomeação para Melhor Filme.
Ano: 2002
Actores: Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Cate Blanchett, John Rhys-Davies, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Sean Bean, Ian Holm, Andy Serkis, Marton Csokas
Banda Sonora
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Reprise (48379-2)
Year Released: 2002
Conducted by Howard Shore
Performed by
The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Track Listing
1. Foundations Of Stone
2. The Taming of Smeagol
3. The Riders Of Rohan
4. The Passage Of The Marshes
5. The Uruk-hai
6. The King Of The Golden Hall
7. The Black Gate Is Closed
8. Evenstar (featuring Isabel Bayrakdarian)
9. The White Rider
10. Treebeard
11. The Leave Taking
12. Helm's Deep
13. The Forbidden Pool
14. Breath Of Life (featuring Sheila Chandra)
15. The Hornburg
16. Forth Eorlingas (featuring Ben Del Maestro)
17. Isengard Unleashed (featuring Elizabeth Fraser & Ben Del Maestro)
18. Samwise The Brave
19. Gollum's Song (performed by Emiliana Torrini)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Limited Edition)
Reprise (48408-2)
Year Released: 2002
Conducted by Howard Shore
Performed by
The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Track Listing
1. Foundations Of Stone
2. The Taming of Smeagol
3. The Riders Of Rohan
4. The Passage Of The Marshes
5. The Uruk-hai
6. The King Of The Golden Hall
7. The Black Gate Is Closed
8. Evenstar (featuring Isabel Bayrakdarian)
9. The White Rider
10. Treebeard
11. The Leave Taking
12. Helm's Deep
13. The Forbidden Pool
14. Breath Of Life (featuring Sheila Chandra)
15. The Hornburg
16. Forth Eorlingas (featuring Ben Del Maestro)
17. Isengard Unleashed (featuring Elizabeth Fraser & Ben Del Maestro)
18. Samwise The Brave
19. Gollum's Song (performed by Emiliana Torrini)
20. Farewell To Lórien (featuring HIlary Summers)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (The Complete Recordings)
Reprise (44376-2)
Year Released: 2006
Conducted by Howard Shore
Performed by
The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Best of the Year
Best of 2006: Best Special Release
Track Listing
Disc 1:
1. Glamdring 3:50
2. Elven Rope 2:19
3. Lost in Emym Muil 4:14
4. My Precious 2:56
5. Uglik's Warriors 1:41
6. The Three Hunters 6:12
7. The Banishment of Eomer 3:54
8. Night Camp 2:50
9. The Plains of Rohan 4:14
10. Fangorn 5:13
11. The Dead Marshes 5:07
12. "Wraiths on Wings" 2:07
13. Gandalf the White 6:47
14. The Dream of Trees 1:54
15. The Heir of Numenor 6:50
16. Ent-draught 2:53
Disc Time: 63:01
Disc 2:
1. Edoras 4:34
2. The Court of Meduseld 3:10
3. Theoden King (feat. "The Funeral of Theodred" performed by Miranda Otto) 6:12
4. The King's Decision 2:07
5. Exodus of Edoras 5:42
6. The Forests of Ithilien 6:37
7. One of the Dunedain (feat. "Evenstar" performed by Isabel Bayrakdarian) 7:13
8. The Wolves of Isengard 4:22
9. Refuge at Helm's Deep 3:59
10. The Voice of Saruman 1:11
11. Arwen's Fate (feat. "The Grace of the Valar" performed by Sheila Chandra) 3:58
12. The Story Foretold 3:58
13. Sons of the Steward 6:02
14. Rock and Pool 2:54
15. Faramir's Good Council 2:20
Disc Time: 64:19
Disc 3:
1. Aragorn's Return 2:11
2. War is Upon Us 3:35
3. "Where is the Horse and the Rider?" 6:15
4. The Host of the Eldar 2:50
5. The Battle of the Hornburg 2:52
6. The Breach of the Deeping Wall 3:03
7. The Entmoot Decides 2:06
8. Retreat (feat. "Haldir's Lament" performed by Elizabeth Fraser) 4:40
9. Master Peregrin's Plan 2:31
10. The Last March of the Ents (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 2:31
11. The Nazgul Attack 2:45
12. Theoden Rides Forth (feat. Ben Del Maestro) 5:47
13. The Tales That Really Matter 12:01
14. "Long Ways to Go Yet" (feat. "Gollum's Song" performed by Emiliana Torrini)
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