O Padrinho - Parte III ("The Godfather: Part III") - Michael Corleone (Al Pacino), agora na casa dos 60 anos, é dominado por duas paixões: libertar a sua família do crime e encontrar um digno sucessor.
Ano: 1990
Actores: Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Andy Garcia, Joe Mantegna, George Hamilton, Talia Shire, Sofia Coppola, Eli Wallach, Don Novello, Bridget Fonda, John Savage, Al Martino, Raf Vallone, Franc D'Ambrosio, Donal Donnelly, Richard Bright, Helmut Berger
Realizado por: Francis Ford Coppola

Banda Sonora:
The Godfather Part III
Columbia Records (CK 47078)
Year Released: 1990
Conducted by Carmine Coppola
Album Format: CD
Track Listing
1. Main Title
2. The Godfather Waltz
3. Marcia Religioso
4. Michael's Letter
5. The Immigrant / Love Theme From The Godfather Part III
6. The Godfather Waltz
7. To Each His Own
8. Vincent's Theme
9. Altobello
10. The Godfather Intermezzo
11. Sicillian Medley: Va Pensiero / Danza Tarantella / Mazurka (Alla Siciliana)
12. Promise Me You'll Remember (Love Theme From The Godfather Part III)
13. Preludio And Siciliana
14. Casa Amiche
15. Preghiera
16. Finale
17. Coda: The Godfather Finale
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