21 de ago. de 2009

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban)


No terceiro ano de Harry Potter (Radcliffe) em Hogwarts, um perigoso feiticeiro fugiu da prisão de Azkaban - Sirius Black (Oldman). O assassino, que esconde terríveis segredos, quer agora matar Harry...

Ano: 2004
Actores: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Robbie Coltrane, Gary Oldman, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, David Thewlis, Julie Christie
Realizado por: Alfonso Cuarón

Banda Sonora:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Atlantic Records (83711-2)

Year Released: 2004

Conducted by John Williams

Album Format: CD

Track Listing

1. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) 1:38
2. Aunt Marge's Waltz 2:15
3. The Knight Bus 2:52
4. Apparition on the Train 2:15
5. Double Trouble 1:37
6. Buckbeat's Flight 2:08
7. A Window to the Past 3:54
8. The Whomping Willow and the Snowball Fight 2:22
9. Secrets of the Castle 2:32
10. The Portrait Gallery 2:05
11. Hagrid the Professor 1:59
12. Monster Books and Boggarts! 2:26
13. Quidditch, Third Year 3:47
14. Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers 3:01
15. The Patronus Light 1:12
16. The Werewolf Scene 4:25
17. Saving Buckbeak 6:39
18. Forward to Time Past 2:33
19. The Dementors Converge 3:12
20. Finale 3:24
21. Mischief Managed! 12:10

Total Album Time: 68:26

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